
Hello world!

How that blog was born.

It is a hot summer Saturday in June 2024. Tobias was justing reading a book with the title THE CIRLCE MAKER by Mark Batterson.

To get the autor’s words more deeply Tobias took a medition and praying pause. Without anything there come a “baaaahm” in Tobias’ mind, he guess that comes from HIM. “I have to make something like a diary or more an Q&A about God, Jesus, prays, thoughts and belives about life, personal life mission, purpose.” Tobias just took his laptop and just did it and set thie blog online. Based on one not maybe logical thing: God give him this input from “nowhere” just by “let go” and trust to HIM.


    1. We all have a purpose in life guided by God, if we will just be still and know that He is God and listen to him. Open our hearts and let Him speak to us. Although I have not finished the book, Circle Maker, is great so far. It tells us how the author asked God for specific things and had faith that God would provide and God did provide. Great book so far!

  1. We all have a purpose in life guided by God, if we will just be still and know that He is God and listen to him. Open our hearts and let Him speak to us. Although I have not finished the book, Circle Maker, is great so far. It tells us how the author asked God for specific things and had faith that God would provide and God did provide. Great book so far!

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